About Eve George

French Resident #3 | February 20 - April 13, 2023

Eve George is a French designer and glass blower.

Her goal as a IC + WD International Residency resident in In New York is to develop a collection of blown-glass works inspired by the ocean and its bond with the city.

Presented in partnership with Villa Albertine and the support of Bettencourt Schueller Foundation.

Additional residency partners: Corning Museum of Glass, CIRVA and Galerie Philia.
Supported by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation


Learn more about the French Residency

Residency Highlights

Eve’s Experience

1. What do you consider has been the most important and beneficial outcome of your one-month residency in New York?

The persons that I have met (glassmakers, artists, chefs, people in art instutitions, etc.). The freedom that I got through the "resident" status. I was very confident about my current work (Villa Albertine gives also this sense of recognition) and I had no deadline to finish nore force the research process during the residency. It is the first time in my artistic life that I got to work in such a context.

2. What were your overall impressions of the residency program?

I jumped very quickly in the core of my research thanks to the Corning residency, and the meetings through the Villa Albertine's network (Gaëtan Bruel, Olivier Le Falher, the Invisible Dog, etc.). Whenever I was on my own to scout for business opportunities it was much more difficult. I would maybe regret that I did not manage to engage a future collaboration with another player of the collectibe design scene (The Future Perfect ?). I hope that the MoMa store lead will be fruitful and that I can continue the conversation with Ateliers Courbet & Invisible Collection when I get back to France.

3. What was the most exciting and unexpected discovery?

Most exciting : my time at Corning, but it was expected. The most unexpected : meeting with Lucien Zayan & Michael Anthony

4. How do you want to continue to develop your project in France and/or around the world?

Finish the Collection, having a launch in NYC in 2024 with Philia. Follow up on the business leads (restaurants + galleries & retailers). Launch the Cirva piece in NYC after the French launch. Welcoming all my my US friends in my own Atelier whenever they can visit!

5. Would you be interested in coming back and pursuing new collaborations in the US?

Yes, for sure

6. What's next for you besides this specific project, do you have upcoming projects, travels, or exhibits you would like to share?

As soon as I land in France, I have to finish a huge project (an Art Installation) commissionned by the French Ministry of Culture. The opening for "Ruissellements" (the name of the piece) will be on May, 18th. in the Château de Bussy Rabutin (Burgundy, France).

7. Can you tell us about your in-residency residency at Corning Museum of Glass? What did you learn and achieve during this one-week experience?

The full experience was absolutely incredible: the commute, the museum, meeting with the team, the fact that I had to design a lot of tryouts on very short notice also (it allowed to be very effiecient, to not overthink anything). It was both a great way of fast forwarding into the NYC residency, thus also having sames and prototypes to show to future collaborators. A lot of prototype I will also use as a starting point to perfect and finish the design in my own Atelier, & with my partner, back in France 


Lizan Freijsen


Steven Leprizé