About Carole Baijings

Dutch Resident #4 | April 26- May 26, 2023

Co-Founder of the Amsterdam-based studio Scholten & Baijings until 2019, Carole Baijings is widely regarded as one of the most exciting, innovative and dynamic industrial designers in Europe. A self-confessed perfectionist, her work – which includes ceramics, glassware, textiles, furniture and electronics – is distinguished by a carefully considered use of colour, pattern and graphic elements. Her eye for detail is well-known. This has resulted in numerous partnerships with brands such as Samsung, IKEA, MINI, HAY, Herman Miller, Karimoku New Standard and Maharam among others.

Presented in partnership with Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York


Learn more about the Dutch Residency

Always looking to challenge and rethink the way people interact and live with design, Baijings’ work has been featured in prestigious institutions such as the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, the Art Institute of Chicago and the Rijksmuseum.

 “My design philosophy has always been the ‘Atelier-way-of-working’. That means that I hand-make my own colours, materials, and models and in doing so create new and unique shapes and forms. I have an eye for detail, and working by hand allows me to achieve that precision – whether it’s finding that exact shade of fluorescent pink or slightly tweaking the proportions of a seat for a more comfy sit.

 Colour is my truest passion. It’s at the heart of what I design and something I like to toggle with from start to finish. Colour, and with it ideas of transparency, layering and grids have the potential to add so much dimensionality to a piece - it’s so much more than just the icing on the cake!

 Nature is a big inspiration for my work. I like to say that flowers can never be too vulgar, no matter how bright they are. So that’s something I’m constantly challenging myself to further explore: how can I incorporate these bold colours whilst still achieving a sense of refinement?

 I’m certainly no stranger to a touch of fluorescent – in fact, it’s almost become a signature. It used to be a real challenge to produce these fluorescents in different materials but over time and with the introduction of colour-fast inks, it’s increasingly achievable. To say I’m pleased is an understatement.  

 I’ve been fortunate to work with prestigious brands and museums – all of which have their own unique ethos and history. Understanding this DNA and exactly what each brand stands for is my starting place and a great source of inspiration. When collaborating, I strive for a finished product where we can honestly say that we see reflections of both our identities.”

Residency Highlights

A Month of Discoveries in NYC

”Reflecting on a month in May spent unraveling the enigma that is New York City. You are a magnificent tapestry woven with grit and grace, vastness and vibrance. Navigating your subway system, I've traversed your diverse neighbourhoods, each a unique. It's the people who infuse life into your streets, creating a mosaic of communities, a patchwork of home. Amidst the towering skyscrapers, what truly makes a place home? Is it the colours, the memories, the very essence?

As I explore your avenues, I'm reminded that home isn't just a physical space – it's an emotion woven from the threads of loved ones, shared moments, and the heartbeat of a city. And now, as I journey beyond your borders, I'm grateful for the chance to carry your essence with me.”

The Marriage of Creative Worlds in NY: Design, Art & Craft

”Diving into New York's creative scene - a fusion of design, art, and craft. What truly captivated me during my time in the city was the unique approach to design. In the heart of the Big Apple, the design scene is a whirlwind of cultures, styles, and influences that collide in the most enchanting way. What sets New York apart is the way designers infuse their creations with raw artistic spirit, each piece carrying a personal touch Shoutout to @mishakahn for reminding me what it means to create fearlessly.

From the free-spirited designs that dance on the edge of imagination to the sleek minimalism of Dutch Design, both worlds enrich the creative landscape in their own extraordinary way. This journey through artistic expression has shown me the joy of unshackling convention and embracing pure freedom.”

If You Can Make It Here...

”New York, the city where dreams don't just come true – they flourish. My time here introduced me to a realm of endless possibilities. Connecting with colleague designers, visionary gallery owners, and innovative companies, I was swept into a whirlwind of creativity. In this dynamic metropolis, diverse industries collide, cultures merge, and innovation blooms ceaselessly.

It's a playground where creative minds turn their dreams into reality, pushing boundaries and embracing challenges. Whether you're an established designer or an emerging talent, New York provides a stage for those ready to embrace the extraordinary. Remember, if you can carve your niche here, you're destined to conquer the world. So, let's make it happen.”


Hanna Anonen


Robin Bourgeois